We Love Hearing From You!

The best way to get in touch is to fill out the form or write to team@builttoimpact.com directly.

Please read the FAQs below before submitting your comment/question. We read almost every message and do our best to respond within 48 business hours. Generally, we work Mon – Fri, 10 am – 4 pm Eastern US Time.

If you don’t hear back within 72 hours, feel free to follow up. If you still don’t hear back from us, it’s possibly because your question was answered in the FAQs below.

Please keep your email concise and to the point (less than three paragraphs.) Need business advice? Check out my Instagram, YouTube channel, my #MayaMinute videos, or let’s work together!

Just want to send some love or a testimonial? YAY! Love from my community makes my heart sing and gives me the encouragement I need to keep giving you valuable content.

13 + 6 =

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve sent more than one email but haven’t heard back. Why hasn’t anyone responded?

Thanks so much for your email! We receive almost 75 emails per week. To keep things simple, we only read and (sometimes) respond to emails that address me by name and are less than 3 small paragraphs. If your email falls within those parameters but you still haven’t heard back after following up, message me on Instagram or Twitter. We’re here to support your growth, and sometimes email is not the best platform for us to do that!

I’d love to interview Maya for my blog, summit, podcast, or other project. Is she available?

I’m so glad you’re interested in getting me in front of your audience! I do not do interviews that require me to type out responses in which I’m practically writing your article for you. I do, however, love audio/video interviews. If you have a podcast with at least 5,000 monthly plays/downloads and a primary audience of new, aspiring, or seasoned entrepreneurs who want to build their online brand or business, please fill out the contact form or email assist@mayaelious.com with more details so we can determine if it’s a good fit.

If you’d like me to be a speaker or expert panelist for your virtual summit, please present me with 1 – 3 clear topic ideas and a budget through my speaker form. I’m not available for unpaid pre-recorded presentations. I am, however, happy to do an interview (live or pre-recorded) if your summit is a good fit. I am not interested in summits where I have to promote your event as an affiliate for compensation.

I think my product or service would be a great fit for Maya’s audience. Is she currently doing affiliate partnerships?

I am not currently doing any affiliate partnerships outside of my existing network.

I’m interested in working with Maya 1-on-1, but I can’t afford the investment right now. Do you offer payment plans?

I’m so excited that you want to work with me on a more intimate level. The best way to work with me right now is through my accelerator program. Where you get 12 weeks of support from me and my team to help you have a five-figure launch. 

media & press / approved headshots

(click the image for hi-res)


David Mahones

Maya’s Official Bio

short bio

Maya Elious is an award-winning business coach & brand strategist who helps faith-based experts become the go-to authority in their industry, so they can confidently (and profitably) launch their signature offer.

She’s helped hundreds of entrepreneurs get clear on their message, confidently increase their prices, and have successful five-figure launches (with their masterclasses, webinars, courses, and programs).

When she’s not helping her clients build their online empire, she can be found traveling, scrolling through IG, or watching drama series on Hulu.

Official bio

Maya Elious is an award-winning business coach & brand strategist who helps faith-based experts become the go-to authority in their industry, so they can confidently (and profitably) launch their signature offer.

She’s helped hundreds of entrepreneurs get clear on their message, confidently increase their prices, and have successful five-figure launches (with their masterclasses, webinars, courses, and programs).

Her main mission is to help women increase their impact and income with their gifts and expertise.

She’s been featured in publications like Black Enterprise, Forbes, and Business Insider teaching other entrepreneurs how to effectively build their personal brand.

As a first-generation American who dropped out of college to break free from the traditional mold, she believes in the power of pursuing your purpose despite the nay-sayers. She enjoys encouraging women to use their voice and share their message in the form of online content so they can reach more people. She does this through her 12-week program, Built To Impact Accelerator… and her signature live event, Impact Weekend.

When she’s not helping her clients build their online empire, she can be found traveling, scrolling through IG, or watching drama series on Hulu.